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The Bow Brand I Stand Behind

Updated: Dec 9, 2018

I shoot a 2016 Blacked Out Mathews Halon at the current moment. Nicknamed the Black Widow, the blacked out nature and the red strings give it an awesome look. It is the best bow I have ever shot. It is smooth, quiet, and deadly. Those are the three best words I can describe it. My hunting group has always shot Mathews and it is something I have always strived to shoot for.

I started out shooting a High Country bow, bought from a small pro shop in Illinois. It was a hand me down bow and it is just what I needed to get my foot in the door in bow hunting. It was a tradition from the family friend that whenever I grew out of the bow, I was supposed to give it away to another young person, just as they had done for me. A few years ago, I gave it away to the nephew of a fellow hunter.

I then bought a Red Head Blackout. It was a good bow and it got the job done. I will be honest; it was a little bit louder of a bow, even with the monkey tails on it. It was not a cheap bow, at the time, coming in around $550. Granted, I got it when it first came out and they may have changed things on the bow since then.

My honest opinion on bows and my hunting buddies have always told me the same. You might as well spend the money in the beginning on nice equipment rather than spending more on continuous bows and faulty equipment. The Mathews is a bow that I can shoot for the rest of my life and it is a quiet and sleek bow. It is not the most up to date Mathews but with bows now a days being so fast, the only thing really changing is the weight of the bow. Spending the money on a Mathews or a Hoyt is worth it and I wish I had done that in the beginning.

I am no way sponsored by Mathews but I stand behind their equipment. If you want to put a Mathews bow in your hands, click here.


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